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Advanced recommendations and smart search for e-commerce

Kea Labs automatically grows sales across site search and product recommendations

Convert more searches into sales with smart search

Self-learning AI Search. Continuously improves relevance
Advanced linguistics: spell-tolerance, context, synonyms, multilingual search
Suggestions, filters and autocomplete. No typing experience on mobile
Customizable in-store search. Adjustable for your business needs

Visual Search

Search by images, seamlessly combined with text and smart suggestions
Easily refine results using auto-generated filters from product attributes
Tailored experience to suit varied user shopping behaviors
Click on items to instantly reveal similar products

Advanced Recommendations

Automated bundles, compatible products and enhanced algorithm for related items
Recommendation system with custom-made algorithms
Models trained on your data, with your rules and solves your business needs
Accurate even for complex products
Analysis of shapes, colors, materials, patterns, and other visual attributes
Personalization based on customer visual preferences
Visually similar alternatives for out-of-stock products
AI-powered visually similar recommendations

Visual Recommendations

How Combination of Search and Recommendations boosts your revenue

In general, there are 2 types of visitors in your store - surfers and seekers
They use different services, so using both will lead to an increase in the main indicators of the business
2 services exchange data and improve the interaction effect

Powerful platform

Drill down analytics and dozens of useful insights
Identify trends, show products with a higher demand
Supports your marketing goals with custom campaigns and manual adjustments

Supported platforms

const searchPage = new SearchResultsPage({
'showSearchInput': config.isMobile,
'showSuggestions': true,
With a API or javascript integration we can enpower any store or mobile application with Kea Labs. Please contact us and we'll help you!

Works on any platform

Integration and Support

Customizable theme and UI
Easy to install. No developers required
Team assistance and care
API for mobile apps or deep integration
Easy to adjust for your business needs
Kea Labs has embedded A/B testing tool, which measures an engagement of your audience, and calculates an economical effect.
Having a doubts? Or already using another solution?