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Advanced Recommendations

Bring the right products at the right moment with Advanced Recommendations

Enhanced product matching
Advanced pricing strategies
Visual recommendations based on image analysis
Ready to use widgets
for all business industries
Deep content analysis
Fast learning AI
The “cross-sell” mechanism increases profits by encouraging users to make additional purchases

Related Products

This is very efficient for electronics.
Deep content analysis makes accurate recommendations even in complicated niches, like electronics

Similar Products

This is very efficient for Fashion, Apparel, Shoes or Furniture stores, commodity business

Trending products

They are more likely to interest new users as well
Such products have a higher conversion rate
Bestsellers help users make the right choice
trend for Christmas
Understand user interests and recommend products which match their expectations and needs

Personalized recommendations

based on your interests
This is very efficient for Fashion, Apparel, Shoes or Furniture stores.
Recommendations go even deeper and analyze product images. Kea Labs compares product's shapes and colors.

Similar style

This is very efficient for household goods, furniture stores.
Rule - based algorithm. Identifies compatible products or consumables and promotes them in recommendations, increasing the average order receipt. For example - coffee + capsules / printer + cartridge.

Compatible Products and consumables

All-in-one platform

‘Seekers’ - who know their needs and prefer searching the products
Typically there are two types of visitors in every store:
One tool is not enough to help both types of visitors. That’s why using Search and Recommendation tools is more efficient
Having Search, Recommendations and Personalization tools from the same platform is more efficient and gains more profit for you, simply because all the tools enhance each other
‘Surfers' who prefer visual way of discovering, and engage with recommendations
Ask all your questions, and see Kea Labs in action with a focus on your business needs and objectives.

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